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“Nursing at British Naval Hospitals and Hospital Ships, 1775-1815” Zoom link: https://virginia.zoom.us/j/99249367622?pwd=QzJRcUlFTlJoQWxOaU1DclFMTU43UT09 Meeting ID: 992 4936 7622 Passcode: 705800 During the 35 years of almost constant warfare from the start of the American Revolution to the end of the Napoleonic War, naval medicine relied on the labor of thousands of women as nurses to care for sick and wounded seamen in hospitals and on hospital ships. This presentation examines pay list records from Haslar and Plymouth Naval Hospitals, plus hospital ship musters and log books, to highlight the important role of women in naval medical care, and explores the impact of civilian labor in supporting 18th-century British imperial aims. Dr. Erin Spinney is an assistant professor at the University of New Brunswick at Saint John, Canada. She teaches British and European history with a focus on the history of nursing, medicine, environmental history, gender, and imperialism. She also specializes in teaching the history of Canadian nursing and health care to health-sciences students. Dr. Spinney is president of the Canadian Association for the History of Nursing and associate book review editor for Nursing History Review, the journal of the American Association for the History of Nursing.