SEPTEMBER 28 - 30, 1991


Paper Presentations

Seeking "A noble profession": Applicants to the John Sealy Hospital Training Schools for Nurses 1905-1918. Poldi Tschirch, RN, MSN, CS & Bernadette McKay, RNC, MS; University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing at Galveston.

Class status among student nurses at the University of Kansas School of Nursing, 1907-1929. Victoria T. Grando, RN, MSN; Southwest Missouri State University and Doctoral Candidate, University of Kansas.

Western State Hospital: An example of physician influence in the development of psychiatric nursing, 1836-1907. Lynn Wasserbauer, MS, RNC; Doctoral Student, University of Virginia.

Nursing in the 1930's: A microscopic analysis of hospital development and graduate nursing in central Virginia. Catherine S. McGehee; Lynchburg College & Doctoral Student, University of Virginia.

Levity among the troops: Phoebe Yates Pember's use of humor in a military hospital, 1862-65. Hannah R. Williamson,RN, PhD; Medical University of South Carolina.

Nursing Sisters of the Holy Cross, 1861-65. Barbara Wall, RN, MS; & Jane Perry-Philips, RN,MS; Saint Mary's College.

The experiences of valiant American women: The angels of Bataan. Elizabeth M. Norman, RN, PhD; Rutgers; & Sharon Eifried,RN, MS; Towson State University;& Joan Furey, RN, MA; VAMC, Palo Alto.

Nurses as moral entrepreneurs: The case of childbirth in America 1890-1940.Linda Robinson, RN, PhD; University of New Hampshire.

Arkansas' Nurse-midwife, Mamie O. Hale (Making do with the Midwife situation).Pegge L. Bell, Doctoral Student, University of Virginia.

Nursing the children of the poor in 18th century London: Coram's Foundling Hospital. Virginia M. Deforge, DNSc; Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Allied Health Sciences.

Sending for nurses: Foreign nurse immigration to the United States, 1945-90.Barbara L. Brush, Doctoral Candidate; University of Pennsylvania.

"For reasons that need no explanation..." Revelations from the papers of Helen Lamb. Marianne Bankert, MA, Doctoral Student; University of Illinois, Chicago.

Nursing on the Canadian Prairies 1900-1930: Impact of immigration. Ina J. Bramadat, RN, PhD; & Marion I. Saydak, RN, MN; University of Manitoba.

"Timid billions" The role of foundation philanthropy in effecting social change. Sarah E. Abrams, RN, MS; Doctoral Student, University of California, San Francisco.

Second city? The Chicago contribution to the early development of visiting nursing. Wendy Burgess, RNC, PhD; Rush University.

Caring at home: Class, race and gender in Charleston,SC 1813-1900. Karen Buhler-Wilkerson, RN, PhD, FAAN; University of Pennsylvania.

E. Kathleen Russell, Canadian Nursing's Rockefeller connection: University of Toronto, 1933-39. Rondalyn A. Kirkwood, RN PhD; Queens University School of Nursing.

Almshouse to city nursing home: Philadelphia's Riverview, 1945-65. Janna Dieckmann, RN, MSN; Doctoral Candidate, University of Pennsylvania.

The origin of historiography in American nursing: Nursing history texts written by nurses, 1907-20. Sandra Kress Davis, RN, EdD; LaSalle University.

A profession in caricature: Three decades of AMA News cartoons looking at nursing. Judith A. Chaney, RN, MSN; Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, & Patrick Folk, PhD; McKendree College.

Old nurses and new: Nursing in the London teaching hospitals before the mid-nineteenth century reforms. Carol Helmstadter, RN, MA; Ontario Nurses' Association.

"Her loyalty, her heart and soul had been in the work" A feminist analysis of early Alberta nursing. Janet Ross Kerr, RN, PhD, & Pauline Paul, RN, MSc(A)N;Doctoral Candidate, University of Alberta.


Poster Presentations


Memorialization: An historical exercise. Rosemary T.McCarthy, RN, DNSc,FAAN; Georgetown University.

The Navaho experience of Emily Forster and Laura Gilpin. Mary Ann Ruffing-Rahal; Ohio State University.

Enterprising women: Pioneer Mississippi nurse entrepreneurs. Jeanette Waits;University of Mississippi.

The World's Fair of 1893: The impact of the first organized meeting of nursing. Susan Dudas & Mary T. Whalen; Midwest Nursing History Resource Center; &;Kathleen Hansen, University of Illinois, Chicago.

Nursing pin and pinning ceremony survey. Phyllis Irvine, Ball State University, Indiana.