Midwest Nursing History Research Center Spring Newsletter

Dear MNHRC Supporters:
Please click here to read our Spring 2023 Newsletter about the work of the Midwest Nursing History Center this year. Highlights include:
- Our Mapping Care: Black Nurses in Chicago Digital Platform is live! Click here to visit this incredible resource for the public, educators, and researchers alike that chronicles the history of the contributions of Black Nurses to Chicago’s health, starting with Provident Hospital’s Nurse Training School to their work during the COVID-19 epidemic.
- We are now accepting applications for our Holm Research Award, offering $1500 to a scholar interested in accessing the collections at the MNHRC and Chicago for a historical research project. Applications are due May 31st. Visit our website for more information.
We thank you all for your engagement and support of the MNHRC, and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments: [email protected] or follow us on Twitter or Instagram!
Gwyneth Rhiannon Franck PhD RN MPH Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Nursing Science Director, Midwest Nursing History Research Center
University of Illinois Chicago College of Nursing 845 S Damen Ave MC802, Room 948 Chicago IL 60612 312-413-7569 [email protected]