MNHRC Seeking Nursing Educators to Pilot Inclusive History Lessons in Their Classrooms

The Midwest Nursing History Research Center (MNHRC) at the University of Illinois at Chicago is seeking educators working in nursing schools for a paid opportunity implementing a pilot version of Teaching Care, a publicly-accessible curriculum about the history of Black nurses. Educators will support the development of Teaching Care, a publicly-accessible curriculum about the history of Black nurses, by implementing a test lesson or lessons within their classrooms. This project builds upon Mapping Carea curated digital portal containing oral histories with retired and currently practicing Black nurses, as well as primary resources and background historical information about the role of Black nurses in Chicago throughout their history.

See more of our work on our Instagram & Twitter pages. 

These lesson plans use historical case studies to teach required AACN competencies around themes such as health equity, social determinants of health, and leadership. They can be adapted to be completed in both in person or in an online teaching environment, and can be used for pre-licensure or RN-BSN students. The lessons can be used to replace or supplement existing content around the themes, and instructors will have a choice to implement one of eight lesson plans, based on the appropriateness of the lesson to their course objectives.

Participants will be expected to: 

  • Attend a workshop (synchronized virtual or pre-recorded self-paced option) during Fall 2024 to learn about the historical content and best practices for implementing the lesson from the Teaching Care team. 
  • Implement a lesson or lessons from Teaching Care in their classroom during the Spring 2025 semester
  • Complete a teacher and student evaluation after implementing the lesson.


  • Current faculty in a U.S. college of nursing with experience teaching undergraduate nursing students
  • Currently teaching one of the following (or a similar) courses: 
    • History of Nursing
    • Public Health Nursing
    • Sociology or Social determinants of Health
    • Nursing Ethics
    • Cultural competency
    • Nursing Leadership
    • Other

Interested applicants teaching other courses are encouraged to apply. We are especially seeking to recruit educators from diverse and historically marginalized backgrounds and/or educators working at schools with diverse student populations. 


$250 upon completion of implementation and program evaluations. 

Questions? Please reach out to the Yunah Lee, PhD RN ([email protected]), or Gwyneth Franck, PhD RN ([email protected])

Application Deadline: Thursday, October 31st

Please click here or follow this link to apply: