25th Annual Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science (SAHMS) Conference
March 2-4, 2023 Emory University (Atlanta, GA) Submissions for individual papers and panels can be made to the form below. The deadline for submissions is Monday, November 21, 2022. The Program Committee will notify you as to whether your paper is accepted no later than January 5, 2023.
SAHMS is seeking paper submissions for its 2023 conference. We welcome work from students (including undergraduate, graduate, medical, and health sciences professional students), professors, medical professionals, and independent scholars with an academic interest in the history of science and or medicine. Submissions from all fields related to the historical understanding of science, medicine, nursing, health care, and the medical and health science professions, as well as closely related topics, including issues related to science, medicine, race, disabilities, sustainability, environment, technology, and gender studies, are welcome.Papers concerning all historical periods and global perspectives are encouraged. Participants may propose individual papers, panels of several papers on a theme, or round table sessions. If you are proposing a panel, please provide the title, and a list of all proposed authors and titles in one proposal; secondly, each author will need to individually submit their own proposal for consideration in the panel. SAHMS reserves the right to reject individual papers or the entire panel topic, or to add thematically related papers to the panel as our scheduling needs dictate.Each presentation is limited to 20 minutes, with ten minutes for questions and discussion. Please do not submit papers that have already been published or presented. SAHMS will not accept more than one paper from a given primary author for presentation.
Presenters will not be able to request specific time slots or days and will be expected to be available for the entire conference period. All participants and attendees are responsible for paying conference registration fees. While we still hope to hold an in-person conference in Atlanta, virtual presentation options may be available. Presented papers may also be published in the conference’s proceedings or invited for submission to the organization’s journal. Graduate students are encouraged to apply and will have their paper considered for the SAHMS Best Graduate Student Paper Award. For questions, please email sahmsconference@gmail.com. T o submit your proposal, visit https://www.sahms.net/cfp.html.
Sarah M. Halter
Secretary, SAHMS Board of Directors
Executive Director
Indiana Medical History Museum
3270 Kirkbride Way
Indianapolis, IN 46222