UKAHN Colloquium 5 July 2022
Save the date: The 2022 UKAHN colloquium is being held at the Portico Library in the centre of Manchester on 5 July. Please join us to celebrate the history of nursing in this iconic space. Call for papers: There is no theme for this colloquium. Scholars of the history of nursing are invited to submit abstracts on any theme related to nursing history, from any era. Papers submitted for the Colloquium will also be considered for publication in the 2022 issue of UKAHN’s annual online journal, The UKAHN Bulletin. Please submit abstracts of 250 words to [email protected] by Monday 11 April 2022. All abstracts will be peer reviewed by members of the Committee. The Portico Library boasts a 215-year history, having been established in 1806 by 400 founding subscribers. As its website states, early readers included future prime ministers, leading scientists and educators and world-famous authors, including Mrs Gaskell. A truly stunning setting for a colloquium. Please note that the library is accessible by stairs or a stair lift only. There are no lifts. https://www.theportico.org.uk/about Lunch is included in the colloquium fee, so please apply via Eventbrite by 10 June 2022. The Portico needs delegate numbers for catering purposes - late bookings may not be possible. Registration details to follow: Please watch for emails. Eventbrite bookings will be via the UKAHN website Waged £40 Unwaged/students £30 The last UKAHN colloquium was in 2019, so the Committee very much look forward to welcoming old friends and new to this year’s colloquium. Come and celebrate with us in Manchester - ‘the first industrial city’. Jane Brooks Communications officer and colloquium convenor 2022