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Volume 27, 2019 EDITORIAL’S NOTE Publish or Perish—and Your Peril INAUGURAL LORRAINE ALBRECHT LECTURE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ELEANOR CROWDER BJORING CENTER FOR HISTORICAL NURSING INQUIRY Hidden and Forgotten: Being Black in the American Red Cross Town and Country Nursing Service, 1912–1948 ARTICLES “Not Only with Thy Hands, But Also with Thy Minds”: Salvaging Psychologically Damaged Soldiers in the Second World War Cold Interests, Hot Conflicts: How a Professional Association Responded to a Change in Political Regimes FESTSCHRIFT FOR SUSAN REVERBY Introduction Finding Susan Reverby The Historian and the Activist: How to Tell Stories that Matter NOTES AND DOCUMENTS Nursing Diploma to University Education: A Memoir IN MEMORIAM Louise Fitzpatrick, EdD, RN, FAAN: March 24, 1942–September 1, 2017 MEDIA REVIEWS Mercy Street: A Six-part Civil War Drama and Heroines of Mercy Street: The Real Nurses of the Civil War Celebrating History: Health Informatics at 50 REVIEW ESSAY Mrs. Stone & Dr. Smellie: Eighteenth-Century Midwives and their Patients and The Birth of Mankind: Otherwise Named, The Woman’s Book BOOK REVIEWS British Women Surgeons and their Patients 1860-1918 Psychiatry and Racial Liberalism in Harlem 1836–1968 Birth Control in the Decolonizing Caribbean: Reproductive Politics and Practice on Four Islands, 1930–1970 Gender, Medicine, and Society in Colonial India: Women’s Healthcare in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Bengal Bellevue: Three Centuries of Medicine and Mayhem at America’s Most Storied Hospital Deaconesses in Nursing Care: International Transfer of a Female Model of Life and Work in the 19th and 20th Century Toxic Histories: Poison and Pollution in Modern India Children and Drug Safety: Balancing Risk and Protection in Twentieth-Century America The End of Physiotherapy Rise of the Modern Hospital: An Architectural History of Health and Healing, 1870–1940 Nursing and Empire: Gendered Labor and Migration from India to the United States A History of Global Health: Interventions into the Lives of Other Peoples Madhouse: Psychiatry and Politics in Cuban History Toxic Exposures: Mustard Gas and the Health Consequences of World War II in the United States Ebola: How a People’s Science Helped End an Epidemic Hurt: The Inspiring, Untold Story of Trauma Care History of Professional Nursing in the United States: Toward a Culture of Health Fast Facts About the Nursing Profession: Historical Perspectives in a Nutshell NEW DISSERTATIONS New Dissertations