Paper Presentations
Two Radicals for Woman Suffrage: The Relationship of Lavinia Dock and Alice Paul Mary Ann Bradford Burnam, PhD, RN
Triangulating Nursing: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Nurses Association (ANA), Nurse Practitioners and the Battle for Control of Practice, 1970-1980. Julie Fairman, PhD, RN, FAAN
Sister Elizabeth Kenny and the Doctors: Genius or Fraud? Lynne Dunphy, PhD, APRN-BC
An Efficient Instrument: Margaret Huxley, Irish Nursing and the Nursing Cause. Gerard M. Fealy, PhD, Med, BNS, RGN, RPN, RNT
Nursing's Inheritance from Domestic Service: Maria Machin and Nursing Reform. Carol Helmstadter
International Recruitment of Nursing to the UK: A Legacy of Britain's' Colonial Past, 1891-1961. Anne Marie Rafferty, DPhil (Oxon) RGN, DN, FRCN
Our Greatest Generation: The Journey from Hospital Diploma Program to the Cornell University-New York Hospital School of Nursing, 1877-1979. Shirley Fondiller, EdD, RN, FAAN
Reveille Muted: Nursing at New York University, 1930-1975 Neville E. Strumpf, PhD, FAAN
Transforming American Nursing Education and the Impact of the Second Wave of Feminism. Susan Malka, PhD
Providing Care in the "Hoot Owl Hollars": Nursing, Medicine and the Law in the Frontier Nursing Service, 1925-1950 Arlene W. Keeling, RN, PhD
More Efficient and Effective: Combining the IVNA and Richmond City Health Department 1953-1966. Florence M. Weierbach, MPH, RNC
Harriet H. Werley, 1941-1964: A Study of Nursing Leadership. Sherrill L. Leifer, RN, MSN
The People, "The Castle" and the Early Evolution of Modern Nursing in Dublin during the Cholera Epidemic of 1832". Therese Meehan, RGN, PhD
"Six Minutes for Six Days": Nurses' Involvement with Early Radiation Therapy. Brigid Lusk, RN, PhD
Equal but Separate: Male Nurses in Pakistan, 1947-1987. Colleen Bowers, RN .
From Lady Volunteer to Nurse: Development of Nursing on the Civil War's Western Front." Karen J. Egenes, RN, EdD
"Soldiers of the Cross": The Role of Nurses in Base Hospital 41, WWI. Jennifer M. Cassavant, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC
"Officer. Nurse. Woman.": Shifting Definitions of Gender and American Military Nurses in the Vietnam War" Kara D. Vuic PhD(c)
Poster Presentations:
The Evolution of Professional Ethics in Nursing Practice, The United States and England, 1900-1936. Rhonda Keen-Payne, RN, PhD
The Lived Experience of Ameican Civil War Nurse-Caring. Mary Anne Cordeau, PhD, RN.
Living or Deceased: The Impact of HIPAA on Archival Nursing Research. Brigid Lusk & Susan Sacharski
So Much More Than 'Beef Tea and Bandages': A Brief History of Instruction in 'Home Nursing' by the St. John Ambulance Association. Frances Gregor, PhD, RN
Beyond the Dreaming Spires - Mental Health Nursing in Oxford. Claire Chatterton, BA (Hons), MA, RMN, PGCE
"The Vexed Question of the Elderly": Nurses Role in Home Care of the Elderly 1900-1929. Karen Moomaw Rose, MSN, RN