Biographical Dictionary of Nursing
May 3, 2021

Dear fellow nurses,

As a member of the Laboratory of the history of care and image in nursing (Lacuiden) of the Nursing School Alfredo Pinto, whose leader is Professor Fernando Rocha Porto, I come to invite AAHN and its members to participate with us in the construction of the Biographical Dictionary of Nursing.

I am also leader of the Center for Studies in History and Memory of Nursing and Health in the Midwest Mineiro (Nehmescom) of the Federal University of São João del Rei in Divinópolis-MG. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Nursing History, whose president is Professor Luciana Luchesi Barison Recently, I became a member of AAHN and I have been strengthening my knowledge through webinars and other events.

More information is below, on the proposal.

I ask you to be kind enough to disseminate widely among fellow nurses. This proposal is extended to nurses, historians and nursing professionals from Brazil, Latin America, Europe and North America, Africa, in short, to anyone who can contribute to this work that intends to highlight nursing professionals or who in some way contributed to the growth and strengthening it. We have already accepted authors from Europe, Latin America and Brazil.

I am available for any clarification. I am also part of the coordination of the first volume that will be entitled: Biographical dictionary in nursing. I apologize for the errors in English and inform you that each work (biography / entry) will be published in the language of the authors, although the presentation of the work as a whole is in Portuguese.

I kindly ask you to inform me of your email and collaborate with us for the dissemination of this work among colleagues who may be authors of some entry.


Doutora Elen Menezes
Enfermeira e Docente da
Universidade Federal de São João del Rei- UFSJ-
Campus Centro-Oeste D. Lindu em
Líder do Núcelo de Estudos e Pesquisas: História e Memória da Enfermagem e da Saúde no Centro Oeste Mineiro - NEHMESCOM

Endereço: R. Sebastião Gonçalves Coelho, 400
Bairro Chanadour CEP 35.501.293
Tel (37) 3221-1267